Scar Reduction / Skin Resurfacing

Laser treatment, also referred to as laser skin resurfacing or laser scar revision can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, skin lesions and scars

It is usually non-invasive with minimal downtime and any pain or discomfort can be managed with topical or local anesthetic.

How Does It Work?

CO2 laser therapy (ablative)

  • Uses short pulses of light or continuous light beams to remove thin layers of skin with minimal damage to surrounding skin
  • Small amount of scar tissue will be targeted during each treatment
  • Recovery time of up to 2 weeks

Fractional laser therapy

  • Uses many narrow columns of light causing the collagen in scars to tighten
  • Recovery time of up to 1 week

Non-ablative laser resurfacing

  • Infrared heat lasers penetrate the inner layer of the skin to stimulate collagen production and cell renewal to replace damaged skin cells

Laser scar treatments do not make a scar disappear. They are designed to make a scar less noticeable.

The body begins the process of repairing a wound after a skin injury. A scab develops over the injury to protect it from germs, then eventually falls off. Sometimes the skin underneath a scab is the same color as the rest of the body. However, depending on the depth of the injury, a scar often remains after a scab falls off.

These scars may fade or become lighter with time. When a scar becomes permanent, laser treatments can be used to remove the outer layer of the damaged skin’s surface. They smooth the skin to improve tone and appearance.

These lasers are also used to target blood vessels in the scar tissue and reduce redness. They can also penetrate the skin’s surface to stimulate the production of new skin cells.

Numbing cream will be applied on the face for 30 to 45 minutes prior to the treatment. 

The procedure will take about 10-15 minutes. It is comfortable with minimal discomfort and downtime. The skin will feel slightly red and warm after the session

They can be considered for a multitude of skin conditions because it is safe, comfortable and effective. 

It allows for precise and specific targeting of a variety of skin concerns (e.g. pigment lasers target melanin in abnormal cells)

The Science Behind It

LASER, an acronym for ‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation’ produces a highly focused, intense beam of coherent monochromatic light energy in a pure single wavelength. This beam of light is then able to penetrate the surface of the skin and precisely target specific light-absorbing chemicals within the skin that absorbs light of that specific wavelength (chromophores)

This precision and specification minimizes injury to normal skin structures

The concept of “selective photothermolysis” has revolutionized the therapeutic role of lasers in the medical aesthetic field and has been applied successfully for treatment of unwanted vascular malformations, pigment related conditions, tattoo removal, wrinkles, skin rejuvenation and hair removal

What Conditions Can It Treat?

  • Pigmentation and spots
  • Skin aging and sun damage
  • Removal of skin blemishes, bumps, skin tags and warts
  • Active acne
  • Acne scars
  • Permanent hair removal
  • Tattoo removal 
  • Skin-tightening and non-surgical face lifting