Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss in women. It is characterised by a progressive thinning of the hair on the scalp, resulting in a reduction in hair volume and density over time. It follows a distinct pattern, typically starting with a widening of the centre of the hairline and thinning around the crown area. 

Hair is often considered an important aspect of femininity and self-image, so experiencing hair loss can lead to self-consciousness, reduced self-esteem, and even emotional distress. Women with female pattern hair loss may even alter their hairstyle choices to conceal the appearance of thinning hair.

Signs & Symptoms

Hair thins mainly on the top and crown of the scalp. It usually starts with a widening through the center hair part. This pattern of hair loss is known as Christmas tree pattern

  • The front hairline remains unaffected
  • Hair loss rarely progresses to total or near total baldness

Types of Female Pattern Hair Loss

Type I

Type I female pattern hair loss is characterised by a small amount of thinning that primarily affects the area around the parting. Women with Type I female pattern hair loss may notice their hair becoming less dense and losing volume, particularly along the central parting line. 

The hair strands may appear finer and the scalp may be more visible in this region. While the thinning is relatively mild at this stage, it can become more noticeable without treatment.


Type II

In T¸Ωype II female pattern hair loss, hair loss progresses beyond the parting line. Women with Type II female pattern hair loss experience widening of the part, as the thinning extends further from the central parting area. Thinning becomes more apparent, and there is an increase in hair shedding. 

The hair around the part may become noticeably sparse, and the scalp may become more visible, contributing to a reduction in overall hair volume. This stage often prompts women to seek solutions to address the visible signs of hair loss.


Type III

Type III female pattern hair loss is characterised by thinning throughout the entire scalp, including the top area. Women with Type III female pattern hair loss may notice a see-through or “balding” area at the crown of the head. 

The loss of hair density is more pronounced, impacting the overall appearance and fullness of the hair.

Common Causes


Individuals with a family history of female pattern hair loss are more likely to develop the condition due to inherited genes that make hair follicles sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that can cause miniaturisation of the hair follicles and lead to hair thinning and eventual loss.


As women age, the levels of oestrogen decrease, while androgens may become more prominent relative to oestrogen. This hormonal imbalance can affect hair follicles, leading to the miniaturisation of the hair shafts, shortened hair growth cycles, and eventually, thinner and shorter hairs. 

Hormonal fluctuations

Fluctuations in hormones, such as those that occur during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, can impact the hair growth cycle.

These changes can affect the balance between hair growth and resting phases, leading to increased shedding or miniaturisation of hair follicles. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also cause hormonal imbalances that contribute to hair loss.


Depending on the severity of hair loss and the quality of hair follicles, certain measures can be taken to prevent further hair loss and promote new hair growth.

Healthy diet

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can support hair growth and minimise female pattern hair loss. You may also consider consuming supplements such as biotin, zinc and iron to make up for any deficiencies in your diet.

Gentle Hair Care

Avoiding excessive heat styling, chemical treatments and tight hairstyles that pull on the hair can reduce hair breakage and minimise stress on follicles.

Scalp Care

Maintaining a clean and healthy scalp is essential for promoting optimal hair growth. Regularly washing the hair and scalp using a gentle shampoo can remove excess sebum, dirt, and product buildup. Scalp massages can improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles.


Some medications can help to slow down or stop progressive female pattern hair loss. Speak to our specialist to know more.

Low-level Laser Treatment (LLLT)

Low-level laser treatment (LLLT) utilises red or near-infrared light to stimulate hair follicles and enhance hair growth.

Frequently asked questions

Can hair grow back after female pattern hair loss?

Hair regrowth can be possible, especially with early intervention. Medications like minoxidil and certain treatments such as LLLT can help stimulate hair growth and potentially improve the density and thickness of the hair.

At what age does female pattern baldness happen?

Female pattern baldness can occur at any age, but it is more commonly observed after menopause. 

What causes bald spots in women’s hair?

Bald spots in women’s hair can be caused by various factors, including alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition), fungal or bacterial infections of the scalp, trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder), certain medical conditions, and hair loss disorders. 

Dr Jon Yong

Meet your doctor

Dr. Jon Yong has ten years of experience in aesthetic medicine. Having graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the National University of Ireland, he carries a diverse background in surgery, emergency medicine, and anesthesiology. 

Dr. Yong served as the Director of Aesthetics for Singapore Medical Group (SMG) from 2014 to 2018 before establishing his practice, Dr. Jon Yong Aesthetic Clinic, in 2018. He actively participates in lectures, seminars, and practical training to keep abreast of the rapidly evolving medical aesthetic industry.

Dr. Jong Yong is committed to his patient’s well-being and has a “less-is-more” philosophy, meaning he will only provide the necessary treatment for each aesthetic concern.

Book a consultation today.